Hackett Mill

145 Natoma Street, Suite 400 (yerba buena)
San Francisco, CA 94105

Website 415.362.3377

Hackett Mill’s newly renovated space next door to SFMOMA embodies and reflects Michael Hackett and Francis Mill’s philosophy of living with and experiencing art on a daily basis. The innovative design of the gallery resonates with the gallery’s program which continues to provide a platform for unique juxtapositions between the historical and the contemporary – providing the contextual and scholarly scaffolding to create exciting collections that span movements and eras, united by the universal truth of the artistic struggle.

Hackett and Mill each have over thirty years of experience in the fine arts. They bring their varied backgrounds together to present a unique and respected vision to the Bay Area’s artistic community. In addition to Francis Mill’s BA in architecture and MFA in fine art, he was the dean of graduate studies at the Academy of Art in San Francisco which informs his scholarly approach to building collections. Michael Hackett began nurturing young artistic talents in the 1980s and has been an active gallerist on an international level his entire career. Together Hackett and Mill combine their expertise toward developing meaningful and inspired collections, exhibitions, and lectures.

An interview of Francis Mill by Andrea Z. Roth is here.

Hackett Mill represents the contemporary artists David Beck, Masatoyo Kishi, Manuel Neri, Raimonds Staprans and Brian Wall and is the exclusive representative of the Estates of David Park and Robert Schwartz.

Exhibitions / Events

Check gallery website for exhibitions and events.

Represented Artists

Areas of Speciality