Patrick Dintino: Voyeur
September 7 – October 7, 2016
Andrea Schwartz Gallery is pleased to announce the fifth solo exhibition by Patrick Dintino entitled Voyeur.
Composed of broad, coalescing bands of color, the intermeshed lines in Patrick Dintino’s paintings formulate a plethora of shades, tones, and hues that invite us as the audience upon a delightful journey of discovery. Upon first glance we are drawn immediately towards the bold, sharp contrasts of Dintino’s subtle choice of hue and line. The varying thickness of line ! some ample, others slender ! both speeds up and slows the eye down, creating an undulating sense of movement within the work as we take a second, more measured look.
The complex play between aesthetic and metaphor is crucial to Dintino’s work. In his most recent body of work the artist is preoccupied with the idea of voyeurism as a part of everyday life.
As the artist explains, “From instant feeds of images and world events to personal explorations and obsessions, stimuli are readily available for us to soothe and titillate our curiosity. The need to know and understand is a force that affects our judgment with every new thread of information. As we navigate the sensual environment there is an undercurrent of desire and motivation driven by the quest of knowledge. The question becomes then, what is important to us? What are those things that capture our imagination and are so compelling that we cannot divert our eyes? By understanding what captivates us, we can see into our future and free the path of our dreams”.
Check gallery website for hours and additional info