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“Same Same” by Kelly Duffield

Sep 11 — Oct 30, 2021

On view: September 11 to October 30, 2021

Artist Reception: Saturday, September 11, from 4pm to 7pm

For our fall 2021 season, Themes+Projects presents Same Same by Kelly Duffield. Duffield’s paintings contain collage-driven scenes of domestic life that are often strange, surreal and sufficiently ambiguous to evoke the viewer’s imagined or projected meanings. Allowing found images to influence the narrative brings Duffield’s subconscious thoughts to the work and results in combining imagery in unexpected ways to convey unspoken thoughts and meaning.

Inspiration for the Same Same exhibition came from the 2019 novel of the same name by Peter Mendelsund. The protagonist in the book attends an international artists’ residency of sorts in a far away desert. While there, he discovers the Same Same shop where the shopkeeper has the mysterious ability to replicate and even make better any item brought into the shop.

Click here for a closer look at the exhibition.

No visiting appointment needed for artist reception on Saturday September 11, 2021.

Click here for available visiting appointments on other days.

For more information, please email or call the gallery: | 415-732-0300


Check gallery website for hours and additional info