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Ryan Jones | Recent Paintings | San Francisco

Jul 11 — Aug 10, 2024

Caldwell Snyder is pleased to announce our new exhibition by Bay Area Artist, Ryan Jones, on view from July 11 to August 10, 2024.Please join us for our artist reception on Thursday, July 11th, from 5:00 – 7:30 pm, with music and wine.

Ryan Jones’ recent paintings explore the balance between fundamental aspects of our existence and the inevitable passage into the unknown. As the exquisite color and fragility of flowers embody life’s fleeting nature, age takes on a new elegance. Wilting petals and fading colors become a testament to the passage of time and the cycles of existence. Jones’ oil paintings are a visual meditation on the interconnectedness of life and death, inviting viewers to reflect on their own mortality and the impermanence of all things. Through the delicate brushwork and subtle nuances of color, an emotional connection that transcends the canvas is created which resonates with the universal experiences of joy, sorrow, growth, and acceptance. Ultimately the work serves as a reminder of he delicate balance between life and death, inviting viewers to embrace the present and find solace in the ever changing nature of existence.

Born in Alameda, California, Jones’ artistic journey was shaped by studies in the SF California College of the Arts. Later at Stanford University, notable artist Enrique Chagoya provided mentorship and Jones graduated with degrees in Art and Engineering. After working in the film industry, Jones moved to Mill Valley, CA, where he now lives and works. His work embraces and challenges the traditions of realist painting with a modern exploration of contemporary practices and observations. His paintings are included in prestigious private collections including that of Prince Albert II and has been showcased in galleries, museums and art fairs all over the world.

For information about the exhibition, please visit our website at or contact us at


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