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Order and Disorder

Nov 3 — Dec 10, 2016

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”― Carl Jung

In this exhibition, Order and Disorder, a two-person exhibition, featuring the work of Sarah Ratchye and Francesco Zurlini, in which the presence or absence of symmetry and correlation is explored.

San Francisco artist Ratchye’s scientific background is evident in the meticulous accuracy of expression by the artist in her incongruous juxtaposed compositions leading the viewer on a journey of discovery. These drawings are inspired by space exploration, the harsh realm of outer space, and the blasted dead moonscape. Truncated and reshaped imagery are pushed into a collage of shifting borders and meanings in both the graphite drawings and larger scale paintings. Space is pulled deep into the surface. The subject staggers, bewildered and without direction, inside multiple points of view, softened boundaries, and morphing pattern as Ratchye works to explore how humans might change, physically and intellectually in order to exist and thrive in outer space.

Italian artist, Zurlini’s works are prominently angular structures, grids and lattices that develop horizontally.. Space seems to extend across the whole physical surface of the canvas, making the dimension of art equal to the dimension of reality. Large nervous strips of color of graphic origin are drawn across the canvas with an almost dry brush, leaving glimpses of the undercoat. Blacks, whites and greys dominate, with shots of dark or light blue. Structure, sign and movement interweave like a road network viewed from on high. Perpendicular routes cross one another creating the vertebrae of the “cage”. These are interrupted by recurrent circle section motifs, the sextants – also in the strict iconographic sense – of the whole pictorial fabric.