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Gordon Parks: Legacy

Nov 2 — Dec 9, 2017

Jenkins Johnson Gallery is pleased to announce Gordon Parks: Legacy; a multi-media exhibition exploring the relationships between the works of Gordon Parks and the works of artists he inspired, collaborated with, and drew inspiration from. The opening reception will be held on Thursday, November 1 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.  Gordon Parks: Legacy will be on view through December 9, 2017 and exhibits concurrently with the Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive’s presentation of Gordon Parks: The Making of an Argument, on view through December 17, 2017.

Gordon Parks: Legacy features works that inspired contemporary artists, Parks’ contemporaries, and Parks himself.  The celebrated new video, ELEMENT,released by recording artist Kendrick Lamar, and the portraiture of renowned South African visual activist Zanele Muholi best known for her Somnyama Ngonyama and Faces and Phases series, are directly inspired by Parks’ body of work.  Works from Parks’ 1952 Life Magazine photo-essay A Man Becomes Invisible, a collaborative project with his friend Ralph Ellison, author of the 1953 National Book Award winning novel Invisible Man, will be presented, along with Parks’ compelling filmography Leadbelly, 1976, which chronicles the life of folk and blues musician Huddie “Lead Belly” Ledbetter, who inspired Parks. Parks’ 1968 short film, Diary of a Harlem Family, will be screened continuously, making a striking counterpoint to this year’s ELEMENT.  In addition, a film biography detailing Parks’ life, Half Past Autumn: The Life and Works of Gordon Parks, will be screened.


Check gallery website for hours and additional info