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Barbara Kronlins & John Nelson | Road Trip

Jul 20 — Aug 18, 2022

Andrea Schwartz Gallery is pleased to announce a two person show with Barbara Kronlins and John Nelson.

“I began making these collages, which I think of as ‘beautiful evidence’” – Barbara Kronlins

Barbara Kronlins continues to collect old paper that to most is considered no longer useful. A year ago at an estate sale in Santa Fe, Kronlins found the scrapbooks of a young boy from the 1950s filled with paintings, letters, school work, report cards and scribbled notes. These scrapbooks became the material for her new body of work. Kronlins collages these papers of the past to tell a new story drawn from her own imagination.

“Often pictographic, my paintings reference the work of American folk art and the pattern and decoration movement of the 1970’s and 80’s.” – John Nelson

Both whimsical and clever, John Nelson’s work is founded on the use of recognizable imagery paired with symbols, patterns and text. Through his compositions, he creates a pictorial system of communication, where graphics and words can act as cryptic messages revealing a deeper meaning.

Andrea Schwartz Gallery was established in 1982 and is located in the South of Market district of San Francisco at 545 – 4th Street. ASG exhibits contemporary work of mid-career artists from the Bay Area and across the country. ASG is a member of SFADA. Gallery Hours are Monday – Friday 9 – 5, Saturday by appointment. For further information and materials please contact Lexi Herrmann at 415-495-2090 or Additional information may also be found on our website,