March 22 – April 25
Gail Chase Bien
Willard Dixon
Kim Frohsin
Alexis Buhrman
Andra Norris Gallery is proud to present AT A GLANCE, featuring paintings from four acclaimed contemporary Bay Area artists, each working in their signature styles.
Gail Chase Bien
Gail Chase Bien’s mediative paintings merge realism with abstraction. The mysterious and stark depictions reflect winterscapes, including skies on ice ponds, fields through mists, and tossed wedding bouquets that appear suspended in midair as if time stopped. The works take cues from nature’s extraordinary visual offerings, especially the play of light as it touches upon water and earth, and they were created over extended periods – from months to years – with thinly layered oils on canvas. These nature-inspired paintings are best experienced over time, as well.
Willard Dixon
We are delighted to present a suite of new small-scale Bay Area and coastal nature scenes from American realist oil painter Willard Dixon, who is most celebrated and known for his large-scale landscape paintings. The artist bases the imagery for these works on his photographs of scenes that move him in some way while searching for possibilities, that certain “resonance” that to his eye embodies beauty. Willard Dixon’s paintings are included in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the SFMOMA, and the Oakland Museum of California Art.
Kim Frohsin
In 2018 artist Kim Frohsin, who is associated with the Bay Area Figurative School, created a body of mixed-media gouache paintings titled “Grey Zones” in which she abstracted pairs of model’s shoes that had been placed under various lighting conditions into still life studies that were flatly painted and minimally monochrome. Frohsin then began using an array of tiny brushes and a new luminous palette to further develop female figures – a subject for which she is well known and celebrated – into complex paintings with a heightened sense of motion, contained chaos, and swirling sensations. These mostly small-scale works from 2018 became an organic revolution for the autobiographical artist, who is always experimenting and evolving.
Alexis Buhrman
We are happy to introduce Alexis Buhrman. who was born in Venezuela and based in San Francisco since 2019. Alexis’ paintings showcase an exploration of his innermost self through abstraction. Each canvas or work on paper is a rhythmic composition of line and color — a visual interpretation of memories and emotions. The rhythm of the composition creates a visual tapestry that transcends language, inviting viewers to embark on their own exploration of the “symphony.”
For more information, please contact Andra Norris.
311 Lorton Avenue
Burlingame, CA 94010
gallery: 650 235 9775
Check gallery website for hours and additional info