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Passage 3: Group Photography Show

Aug 18 — Sep 30, 2018

Hosted by 60SIX and Streamline, 3560 Taraval @ 46TH Ave, San Francisco

60SIX and Streamline present “Passage 3” a group photography show presenting photographs under the theme of transformation…political, psychological, cultural, environmental, and technological.

Steve Molnar’s gelatin silver prints document the Nicaraguan people’s opposition to the government’s proposed canal which would cut through the country, as well as capturing daily ways of life in various communities, including the indigenous population of the Rama.

Henrik Kam’s photographic mandala images use google map satellite screen captures of images of troubled areas of the earth as the raw material for the series. The series “Anthropogenic Geography 2015-2018” “Mandalas For Planet Earth” manifests healing energy where a mysterious alchemy occurs from the artist’s process and materials.

Multi-disciplinary artist and composer Peter Whitehead, who has worked for years in music, sculpture and painting, shifts his eye to photography. His series of color iPhone photos capture the often ignored and seldom documented changing environment of the Bay Area’s Treasure Island.

This show also includes work by Michael Jang, David King, Michele Lee Willson, Pam Borelli and Los Angeles photographer Julie Green,

Passage 3 is curated by Gwen Terpstra and Brent Willson.  Opening reception is August 18, 7-10pm at Streamline Salon, 3560 Taraval, SF CA (at 46th). Open through September 30 at Streamline. Check website for hours.

In October this show can be viewed at 60SIX at 12 Elgin Park SF CA 94103 Saturdays noon-6pm (call first) and by appointment. 415-577-4396