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Wayne Thiebaud: A Painter’s View

Dec 6 — Feb 18, 2023

For Immediate Release: November 30, 2022
Hours: Tues. – Sat., 10:00am – 6:00pm
Contact: Colleen Casey Telephone: (415) 434-3055


The Paul Thiebaud Gallery is pleased to present Wayne Thiebaud: A Painter’s View, a group exhibition comprised of paintings and works on paper by various artists selected for their pivotal influence or essential painterly friendship with Thiebaud during formative periods in his career. This show will be on view from December 6, 2022 through February 18, 2023.

In this exhibition comprised of twenty-five works, the central focus is the intimate dialogue between selected modern and contemporary painters in Thiebaud’s body of work across technique, palette, subject matter and media. Besides Thiebaud, artists exhibited include Fred Dalkey, Willem de Kooning, André Derain, Richard Diebenkorn, Patrick Dullanty, Robert Kulicke, Henri Matisse, and Giorgio Morandi.

As Thiebaud described, “I’m just essentially a traditional representational painter, and by that I mean, always interested in imagery, trying to make a representational painting that has as much abstraction as seems to fit that particular mode of representation. The tradition, which is so long enduring, for me, is that which is able to manage those two things, essentially, memory and perception; how to negotiate and orchestrate those two rather extreme dualities. The synthesis that you might make from that is what is for me so fascinating in the long tradition of painting.”

Throughout his career, Thiebaud received numerous awards, prestigious honors and recognition. His work is represented in major private and public collections, including the Museum of Modern Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., the Art Institute of Chicago, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. With Sacramento as his home for over seventy years, Thiebaud painted every day and played tennis with equal verve.


Check gallery website for hours and additional info